Select the items you would like and then enter your billing and shipping information. Then click on the Calculate Total Cost button. Shipping (and tax for NY residents) will be calculated and you will be presented with a new screen from which you will verify and complete your order.

Step 1. Select Items
Click on Select Item box for each desired item.
Change the quantity if you want more than one of that item.
Item Name Price Each Select Item Select Quantity
Your Gateway to Success DVD $30.00
21-Day Vedantic Meditation Audio Download $210.00
Kenopaniṣad Audio Download $210.00
Journey to Self-Discovery CD $9.99
The Path of Surrender CD $17.95
Chants for Healing CD $14.95
Maha Mrtyunjaya Mantra — Chanted by Shubhraji CD $9.99
Maha Mrtyunjaya Mantra — Explanation by Shubhraji CD $9.99
Both "Maha Mrtyunjaya Mantra" CDs CD $17.99
Isavasya Upanishad - 6 CD Set CD $41.95
Sri Adi Sankara CD $12.95
Essence of Bhagavad Gita CD $12.95
Sloka Mala CD $14.95
Relationships - 2 CD Set CDs $19.95
Who Am I - 2 CD Set CDs $19.95
Moments of Reflection Book $12.00
Booklets Book $12.00
Step 2. Enter Your Contact Information
Your Name:
Re-enter E-mail:
Step 3. Enter Shipping Information
Address 1
(address cont)
Zip/Postal Code
Special Instructions
or Notes
Step 4. Calculate Total Cost

Click on the Calculate Total Cost button to calculate your total cost including shipping and tax. You will be presented with a page summarizing your order. From that page, you can review and confirm your order for processing.

Click on the Clear button if you wish to clear the information
you entered on this page and start over.